Family Faith

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New Life Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church of Orlando Florida began on January 27, 2010, with approximately 70 people. The genesis of the church plant was held at 1701 Mercy Drive, Magnolia Pointe Apartment Community Complex Clubhouse, in Orlando, Florida, during Bible Study. Reverend Errol G. Thompson, Sr., the founding Pastor called a meeting following intercessory prayer and bible study to ask those in attendance if it was their desire to be a part of this new church plant that the Lord had laid upon his heart. The participants responded with ‘yes’. A motion was offered and second to plant New Life Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church. The Church name is drawn from II Corinthians 5:17, which says, “If any man be in Christ he is a new creation old things are passed away behold all things become new.”

On Sunday, January 31, 2010, New Life Fellowship held its first Worship Service and Sunday school meeting. God laid it upon Reverend Thompson’s heart to preach an initial sermon titled, “Who Are These and Where Did They Come From” taken from Revelation 7:9-17. During this service, three new candidates came forward to be a part the church. Within the next several weeks some members from Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Institutional Church decided to terminate their membership in favor of planting with New Life Fellowship with the former pastor, Reverend Errol G. Thompson, Sr., so they all signed a membership transfer.

After ten weeks of worship service at the temporary place, God answered the church family prayers for a sanctuary. God provided a more spacious meeting place for worship and administrative work for the church family. New Life held its first service on Easter Sunday morning in its new sanctuary on April 4, 2010.

The New Life Fellowship Church family has worked hard to create a church environment to truly carry out its motto, “A CHURCH WHERE FAITH, FAMILY AND FRIENDS FLOURISH” in the community.